Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Johnny Depp Voted Sexiest Man Alive by People Magazine

Down here in the heart of Dixie, we may not have the best schools. We may not have the most efficient local governments, either. We sure as hell don't have the best oral hygiene, but what we do have is sort of a source of pride around these parts; People Magazine's "sexiest man alive".

Yes, Kentucky native Johnny Depp was just named the sexiest man alive by People Magazine (his second win). It still perplexes me, though, why they give it to anyone except Brad Pitt. I'm just sayin', that's one aesthetically pleasing Okie.

Who would YOU choose as the sexiest man alive?


Michelle said...

Ummmmm, let me think.

~ Pierce Brosnan

~ David Muir

~ Superdad, of course

Cheryl said...

Johnny Depp over Brad Pitt any day.

Your wife said...


quin browne said...

i'm good with depp.

Prince Gomolvilas said...

I will have to agree with your wife.

And I will fight her in a duel for your virginity.