Thursday, January 7, 2010

Guy on a Red Couch

Yes, the couch is red and the guy is me. Enjoy:


Prince Gomolvilas said...

Next time, no shirt.

Katherine said...

I hope one day to be famous enough to receive a fan letter from you.

Michelle said...

WOW!!!! Nice to hear you!!!!!!

Love the video. I hope you keep this up!!!

Michelle said...

PS. Who else gets mail from you?!??!??!?!??!?

I feel left out in a naught dirty way!

Cheryl said...

You are so on some sort of ABC network no-fly list.

Michael DeAntonio said...

Prince- Next time I will consider going shirtless.

Katherine- I'll send you fan mail now if you want.

Supermom- Thanks for the inspiration.

Michael DeAntonio said...

Cheryl- With as dark as me and my family are- we already get stripped searched and slapped around. Put on a no fly list would be a welcomed blockade.

Peter Varvel said...

Wow. More, please.
And yeah, shirtless would be good.