Ernie, our 8 year old Rat Terrier, came to us snipped, clipped and ready to go. We never had to make the tough decision of whether or not to have him fixed or not. I say "tough decision", because Ernie is a male. All of our other animals are, by sheer coincidence, female. I know this shouldn't make a difference, and put to the test it most definitely wouldn't, but when I think about it for any great length of time it sorta does.
Call it the male double standard, but there's something appealing by seeing a masculine mutt with a thick piece of sausage and a robust sack dangling between his legs. Who am I to take that away? Maybe there's a bit of penis envy there, too. Sure I'd love to walk around with no drawers on, and piss on anything I wanted to.
When we got Red, our 1 year old pit bull mix, spayed, the decision was made quickly and definitively. Not that I would ever let some horny little beagle or coon dog ever stick his pink thing into my sweet little girl, but I certainly wouldn't want a litter of puppies as my responsibility. I suppose it's the same with people. A man can run around fucking anything with a pulse and if the girl gets knocked up he can just duck the responsibility by skipping town.

So I suppose that if I ever get put into the position of having a dog neutered, I would do it proudly. Oh, and you should, too.
Required Reading: Queer Bedfellows by Red Velvet Femme (PitBullPatriarchy.blogspot.com)
i'm never sure what i like more... your posts or the tags.
Just to weigh in with the female perspective: I watched two male cats get neutered (that's how I spent my high school career day--but, believe it or not, NOT the reason I didn't become a vet; that was because I sucked at science). The surgery took about thirty seconds per cat. Getting spayed is a much more invasive procedure and requires a bunch of stitches and stuff.
y'know, i totally agree with you - EXCEPT i think the standard should be vasectomies rather than castration. if the real goal is stemming the tide of unwanted pets rather than making them into de-sexed babies, just snip the cord and and leave the nuts alone!
and tying tubes of female dogs works just as well as taking out all the reproductive organs too.
i have strong opinions on this and i may blog on this at some point..
Quin- I try.
Cheryl- I could never have the stomach to cut off an animals balls, or even watch it. You are a brave woman.
Spotted Dog Farm- I had never even considered a vasectomy for a dog. Perhaps I should research that. OR I could just wait for you to research it and write a post on the subject.
Just saying hello while I read through the posts
hopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read.
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